• From a Certified Arborist: 5 Signs a Tree is Sick

    Home Improvement

    Whether your yard is filled with evergreens, maples, cedar, fir, or cherry; all trees get sick and eventually die. Interestingly, most trees show the same symptoms regardless of whether they are evergreen or deciduous (trees with leaves, like maples). Here’s our Sick Tree Checklist to help you know whether you need a certified arborist to come to rescue one of your backyard beauties.

    Sick Tree Checklist from Certified Arborists, Arborwise Tree Service.

    1. Discolored leaves or needles are not a good thing. For deciduous trees, leaves may appear yellow in the summer or be falling off during the growing season. Brown and brittle leaves in the summer are a sure sign something is amiss. For evergreens, needles will begin to turn red or brown. If the top ⅓  of the tree is fully brown/red – this tree is most definitely dying. Call a certified arborist right away.
    2. Losing limbs means trouble.

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